This paper presents a general method meant to be used to get a special solution of the constant coefficient linear nonhomogeneous recursive relation, where the nonhomogeneous term is a polynomial about n multiply indicial function about n. 就非齐次项为βn与n的多项式Pl(n)乘积的常系数线性非齐次递推关系,给出了求特解的一般方法。
First, A general recursive Green's function method, which can be used for systems with arbitrary shapes and connection conditions in the same footing, is proposed based on the Dyson's equation. 首先,为了更好地研究介观系统中的许多新问题,基于Dyson方程,提出了一种广义的迭代格林函数方法,以适用于任意的边界条件和形状效应等具体问题。